======lubuntu-desktop-12.10-v1.04====== =====Download===== * http://ubuntuone.com/2mqJj94HaKwQ6gB9GuUUyH =====Features===== * Based on lubuntu 12.10 desktop * Linux 3.4 kernel =====Changes===== * Integrated armhf jdk * add pwm driver * enable usb otg * add GPU X11 support * remove jdk (too big) * Upgrade new linux-sunxi kernel =====Issues===== * If no Ethernet cable, system boot a long time to wait DHCP timeout ======lubuntu-desktop-12.10-v1.05====== =====Download===== * http://ubuntuone.com/1o40LKTwzzhOrgFPBjrrHr image * http://ubuntuone.com/09Ev4KO51jmzEKnLkXtZTO MD5 * http://ubuntuone.com/1xaQmzarWST69dBlxE3gBm kernelsource * http://ubuntuone.com/1XCpCZ99yyQcLlBZEVCCc6 README =====Features===== * Same with v1.04 =====Changes===== *add pwm driver *enable usb otg *add GPU X11 support *remove jdk (too big) *Upgrade new linux-sunxi kernel ======lubuntu-server-13.03-v1.00====== =====Download===== * [[http://ubuntuone.com/2awWR81G9tOoMrgGVjM6lX|cb_a10_nand_ubuntu_server_13.03_v1.0.tgz]] * [[http://ubuntuone.com/6xtQpQLULPLaDWgfRW5es3|kernel source]] =====Tips==== * Build Customized Modules Do forget to create a local git repo under the kernel source, to avoid missing '+' in `uname -r` token ======lubuntu-server-13.06-v1.01====== =====Download===== * [[http://ubuntuone.com/1dAiKhMBRrB1nlpmfsjk0N|cb_a10_nand_ubuntu_server_13.06_v1.01_no-ssh-server.img.gz (no openssh-server, more clean)]] * [[http://ubuntuone.com/5rOrV5m2LraK99nTFzURDa|cb_a10_nand_ubuntu_server_13.06_v1.01.img.gz]] * [[http://ubuntuone.com/4au7PcuDpVZisy53cIL4oR|cb_a10_nand_ubuntu_server_13.06_v1.01-kernelsource.tar.gz]] =====Features===== * Linaro 13.06 lubuntu server * No X =====Changes===== * add pwm driver * enable usb otg * add GPU X11 support * remove jdk (too big) * Upgrade new linux-sunxi kernel =====Issues===== * While Ethernet cable is not plugged in, It will take a long time to boot because of waiting DHCP timeout. * First time boot will re-size the partitions automatically. * With the clean version, you may apt-get install mysql-server failed, because of the permission issue. To solve it, just add mysql user to inet group. ====== Tips ====== ===== Installation ===== - [[:tutorials:cb1:installation:CB1 Lubuntu Nand Install|A10-Cubieboard: Install Nand bootable lubuntu]] - [[:tutorials:cb1:installation:CB1 Lubuntu Card Install|A10-Cubieboard: Install SD bootable lubuntu]] ===== Customizing ===== * [[:tutorials:common:breadboard_switching_between_hdmi_and_vga|Switching to VGA runtime]] * [[:tutorials:common:Programming With Cubie|Programming with Cubies]] * [[:tutorials:common:Strimming your screen|Strimming your screen]] * [[:tutorials:common:Enable Line-In|Enable Line-In]] * [[http://linux-sunxi.org/VLC|Playing videos]] * [[http://linux-sunxi.org/Binary_drivers|Setting up 2D/3D acceleration in X]] * [[http://linux-sunxi.org/Sunxi-tools|Hacking with sunxi-tools]]