======lubuntu-desktop-12.10-v1.02====== =====Download===== * http://ubuntuone.com/0tRcRMM8MsoHMJ2onL9YNI =====Features===== * Suport Livesuit(Windows:ok; Linux: not supported; Mac: not tested) * Default HDMI output * Linux-3.3 Kernel =====Issues===== * Do not support Linux Livesuit * X windows does not display correctly sometimes ======lubuntu-desktop-12.10-v1.03====== =====Download===== * http://ubuntuone.com/5SnwaG2DrsihQfpjQu9JPd (HDMI) * http://ubuntuone.com/56srFr1jOaLMd7Jf1wn6tp (VGA) =====Features===== * Suport Livesuit(Windows:not supported; Linux: yes; Mac: not tested) * Support HDMI/VGA output =====Issues===== * Do not support Windows Livesuit * X windows does not display correctly sometimes ======lubuntu-desktop-12.10-v1.04-beta1====== =====Download===== * http://ubuntuone.com/3BhoQdUSDrPlFbqdisgCTq =====Features===== * Linux 3.4 kernel * Default HDMI output * Preinstall openssh-server/openssh-client * Preinstall fbset #to tune screen display $fbset -left 10 * Preinstall GPIO python library * Preinstall Chinese font * RTL8188EU/RTL8192CU wifi have been tested * Enable DHCP eth0 * DRAM 480MHz * Support Linux/Windows Livesuit(MAC Tested: Works) =====Issues===== * Take a long time to boot when no wired net cable Wait DHCP timeout * MALI GPU not support till now * VE not support till now * Cannot auto switch to VGA output * First time boot take about 2 minutes to setup * Early A20 chip have no CHIPID, the new will have chipid that can be used as MAC address ======lubuntu-desktop-12.10-v1.04====== =====Download===== * http://ubuntuone.com/69ifBXGgwj4rBQoDsmKB63 =====Features===== Most features is same as v1.04-beta1, the changes are: * Add fex2bin/bin2fex tools * Add cb-display-tool To switch VGA/HDMI display mode in command line. e.g. $cb-display-tool -o 8 -m 11 Note: can switch to the same resolutions only currently. * Add jdk-1.8 armhf * with many USB camera drivers builtin * Support PWM To use pwm: $cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/misc $sudo insmod pwm-sunxi.ko $sudo su - root #cd /sys/kernel/sunxi_pwm #echo '0 1200 2400' > start =====Kernel===== * http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/a20-cubieboard/lubuntu/linux-sunxi-kernel-cb2-lubuntu-v1.04.tgz =====Issues===== * Take a long time to boot when no wired net cable Wait DHCP timeout * MALI GPU not support till now * VE not support till now * Cannot auto switch to VGA output * First time boot take about 2 minutes to setup * Early A20 chip have no CHIPID, the new will have chipid that can be used as MAC address ======lubuntu-desktop-12.10-v1.05====== =====Download===== * http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/a20-cubieboard/lubuntu/cb-a20-lubuntu-12.10-v1.05.img.gz =====Features===== * Enable MALI GPU * Enable many kernel modules that users want =====Kernel===== * http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/a20-cubieboard/lubuntu/cb-a20-lubuntu-12.10-v1.05-kernelsource.tar.gz =====Issues===== * 2D, Video Encoding/Decoding, SPI doesn't work (2D, VE already works on latest kernel) ======lubuntu-server-13.06-v1.00====== =====Download===== * http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/a20-cubieboard/lubuntu/cb-a20-lubuntu-server-13.06-v1.00.img.gz =====Features===== * Enable MALI GPU * Enable many kernel modules that users want * Use linaro lubuntu 13.06 rootfs ======Tips====== ===== Installation ===== - [[tutorials:cb2:installation:CB2 Lubuntu Nand Install|A20-Cubieboard: Install Nand bootable lubuntu]] - [[tutorials:cb2:installation:CB2 Lubuntu Card Install|A20-Cubieboard: Install SD bootable lubuntu]] ===== Customizing ===== * [[:tutorials:cb2:customization:lubuntu_nand_change_boot_params|Change boot params for Nand images]] * [[:tutorials:common:breadboard_switching_between_hdmi_and_vga|Switching to VGA runtime]] * [[:tutorials:common:Programming With Cubie|Programming with Cubies]] * [[:tutorials:common:Strimming your screen|Strimming your screen]] * [[:tutorials:common:Enable Line-In|Enable Line-In]] * [[http://linux-sunxi.org/VLC|Playing videos]] * [[http://linux-sunxi.org/Binary_drivers|Setting up 2D/3D acceleration in X]] * [[http://linux-sunxi.org/Sunxi-tools|Hacking with sunxi-tools]]