====== Test ====== //__About this Article__// * **Author**: aaron --- aaron@cubietech.com --- 2014/10/10 11:19 * **Copyrights**: [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported]] * **Contributors**: [[http://cubieboard.org/|Cubieboard Community]] : ... ====== Tutorials for Cubietruck(Cubieboard3) ====== ===== Installation ===== ==== Lubuntu ==== * [[tutorials:ct1:installation:CB3 Lubuntu-12.10-Desktop Nand Installation(20130910-build)|Lubuntu-12.10-Desktop Nand Installation Guide(20131015-build)(old)]] * [[tutorials:ct1:installation:CB3 Lubuntu-12.10-Desktop Nand Installation(v1.00)|Lubuntu-12.10-Desktop Nand Installation Guide(v1.00)]] * [[tutorials:ct1:installation:Install Lubuntu Desktop_or_Server Rootfs to SATA drive|Install Lubuntu Desktop/Server Rootfs to SATA drive(obsolete)]] * [[tutorials:ct1:installation:Moving rootfs from nandflash to hard drive|Moving Rootfs From Nandflash to Hard Drive]] * [[tutorials:ct1:installation: install_lubuntu_desktop_server_to_sd_card | Install lubuntu desktop/​server to SD card ]] ==== Android ==== * [[tutorials:ct1:installation:CB3 A20-Compiling Android image for Cubietruck | A20-Compiling Android image for Cubietruck]] * [[tutorials:ct1:installation:CB3 A20-Install Nand Boot Android for Cubietruck | A20-Install Nand Boot Android for Cubietruck]] * [[tutorials:ct1:installation:CB3 A20-Android Boot from SATA | A20-Android System Boot from SATA]] ==== Fedora ==== * [[tutorials:ct1:installation:CB3 Fedora19(r3) SD Card Installation|Fedora19(r3) SD Card Installation Guide]] ===== Development ===== * [[tutorials:ct1:development:Compiling Latest Kernel for cubietruck(cubieboard3)|Compiling Latest Kernel for cubietruck(cubieboard3)]] * [[tutorials:ct1:development:Booting from USB OTG Port|Booting from USB OTG Port(For recovery)]] * [[tutorials:ct1:development:Bulid a Java development environment for cubietruck|Bulid a Java development environment for cubietruck]] * [[tutorials:ct1:development:How to use rdesktop to display windows or linux desktop|How to use rdesktop to display windows or linux desktop]] * [[tutorials:ct1:development:Booting the Cubietruck over the network|Booting the Cubietruck over the network]] ===== Customization ===== * [[tutorials:cb2:development:building_fedora_20_nand_image|Building Fedora 20 Minimal Nand Image]] {{tag>Cubieboard Cubietruck}}