==== Cubieboard pin ==== Cubietruck [[http://docs.cubieboard.org/a20-cubietruck_gpio_pin]] Cubieboard 1 2 [[http://docs.cubieboard.org/cubieboard1_and_cubieboard2_gpio_pin]] Fex Guide [[http://linux-sunxi.org/Fex_Guide]] A10 Datasheet [[http://dl.linux-sunxi.org/A10/A10%20Datasheet%20-%20v1.21%20(2012-04-06).pdf|A10 Datasheet(For Pin multiplexing referenceļ¼‰]] A20 Datasheet [[http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/ubuntuone/public/cubieboard/docs/A20_user manual V1.0 20130322.pdf|A20 user manual V1.0 20130322.pdf(datasheet)]] ====Using sunxi-gpio kernel module==== 1. Make sure that the newest firmware has loaded the module gpio-sunxi.ko by default and it has added the command include fex2bin bin2fex. (Use the command 'lsmod' to see the module in the list.)\\ 2. Modify script.bin that configuration file of cubieboard. *modify script.bin $ mount /dev/nanda /mnt $ cd /mnt $ bin2fex script.bin script.fex $ vi script.fex default GPIO paragraph setup: [gpio_para] gpio_used =1 gpio_num = 2 gpio_pin_1 = port: PH20<1><1> //PH20 is connecting the green LED gpio_pin_2 = port: PH21<1><1> //PH21 is connecting the blue LED modify GPIO port want to use e.g.: [gpio_para] gpio_used =1 gpio_num = 3 gpio_pin_1 = port: PD01<1><1> gpio_pin_2 = port: PD02<1><1> gpio_pin_3 = port: PD03<1><1> Save the file, then $ fex2bin script.fex script.bin $ reboot After rebooted the cubieboard, the new setup will be effective. 3. Operate GPIO port e.g.: *open the GPIO PD01~03 $ echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/export $ echo 2 > /sys/class/gpio/export $ echo 3 > /sys/class/gpio/export Below the /sys/class/gpio has appeared directories named gpio1_pd01, gpio2_pd02, gpio3_pd03. *set the PD01 por as output $ cd /sys/class/gpio/gpio1_pd01 $ echo out > direction *set the PD01 port as high $ echo 1 > value *set the PD01 port as low $ echo 0 > value ====Using C program without driver==== The demo control the PD01 port blink led : #include #include #include "gpio_lib.h" #define PD0 SUNXI_GPD(0) #define PD1 SUNXI_GPD(1) #define PD2 SUNXI_GPD(2) #define PD3 SUNXI_GPD(3) #define PD4 SUNXI_GPD(4) #define MISO SUNXI_GPE(3) #define MOSI SUNXI_GPE(2) #define SCK SUNXI_GPE(1) #define CS SUNXI_GPE(0) int main() { if(SETUP_OK!=sunxi_gpio_init()){ printf("Failed to initialize GPIO\n"); return -1; } if(SETUP_OK!=sunxi_gpio_set_cfgpin(PD01,OUTPUT)){ printf("Failed to config GPIO pin\n"); return -1; } int i; for(i=0;i<5;i++){ if(sunxi_gpio_output(PD01,HIGH)){ printf("Failed to set GPIO pin value\n"); return -1; } usleep(500000); if(sunxi_gpio_output(PD01,LOW)){ printf("Failed to set GPIO pin value\n"); return -1; } usleep(500000); } sunxi_gpio_cleanup(); return 0; } Save as gpio.c,download [[http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/libs/gpio.tar|gpio_lib]],then $sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential $tar -xf gpio.tar $cd gpio/ $gcc gpio_lib.c -c $gcc gpio.c -c $gcc gpio.o gpio_lib.o -o gpio $./gpio If you have used a led connect GND and PD01 port,the led is going to blink in cycle time.\\ Of course you can define and use other port .\\ Use above the method like high-delay-low-delay to simulate PWM output .\\ ====Using mmap mapping IO address==== /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SW_PORTC_IO_BASE 0x01c20800 int main() { unsigned int * pc; int fd, i; char * ptr; unsigned int addr_start, addr_offset, PageSize, PageMask, data; PageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); PageMask = (~(PageSize-1)); addr_start = SW_PORTC_IO_BASE & PageMask; addr_offset = SW_PORTC_IO_BASE & ~PageMask; fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR); if(fd < 0) { perror("Unable to open /dev/mem"); return(-1); } pc = mmap(0, PageSize*2, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, addr_start); if(pc == MAP_FAILED) { perror("Unable to mmap file"); printf("pc:%lx\n", (unsigned long)pc); return(-1); } printf("PageSize:%8.8x\tPageMask:%8.8x\naddr_start:%8.8x\taddr_offset:%8.8x\n",PageSize,PageMask,addr_start,addr_offset); printf("pc:%8.8x\n", *(unsigned int *)pc); ptr = (char *)pc + addr_offset; data = *(unsigned int *)(ptr+0x10c); for(i=0;i<1000;i++){ data |= 1<<20; //green led connect PH20 *(unsigned int *)(ptr+0x10c) = data; usleep(100000); data &= ~(1<<20); *(unsigned int *)(ptr+0x10c) = data; usleep(500000); } return 0; } save as test.c,then $sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential $gcc test.c -o test $./test & The green LED is blinking in cycle time.You can modify the ''data |= 1<<20;'' and ''data &= ~(1<<20);'' to use PH15 like ''data |= 1<<15;'' and ''data &= ~(1<<15);''.If you have used a led connect VCC and PH15 port,the led is going to blink in cycle time.\\