====== Server Rootfs To Sata Drive ====== //__About this Article__// * **Author**: benn --- benn@cubietech.com --- 2013/10/20 22:47 * **Copyrights**: [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported]] * **Contributors**: [[http://cubieboard.org/|Cubieboard Community]] : ... ===== Abstract ===== Allwinner's A20 SoC doesn't support booting from sata drive directly. But we can still install linux distro to sata drive on cubietruck, by putting bootloader/kernel onto nandflash, and rootfs to sata drive, making a really mini computer. This manual will tell you how to install lubuntu desktop/server on cubietruck. ===== How We Implement It ?===== * Add a bootsata boot parameter, and parse it at ramdisk * Write bootloader / kernel to nandflash * When there is no sata, system will use the rootfs on nand ===== What We Can Benefit From It? ===== ====Much more storage space==== Easily up to 2TB storage ====Better performance with SSD drive==== Much more IO read/write throughput and IOPS, resulting in system more smoothly ===== Supported Firmwares ===== ====Lubuntu Desktop==== Because we need to modify ramdisk and boot parameter, so not all the firmwares support sata drive installation. * [[http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/a20-cubietruck/lubuntu/obsolete/ct_lubuntu_desktop_12.10_20131018/ct_lubuntu_desktop-hdmi.img.gz|ct_lubuntu_desktop-hdmi.img.gz(20131018-build) - default HDMI output]] * [[http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/a20-cubietruck/lubuntu/obsolete/ct_lubuntu_desktop_12.10_20131018/ct_lubuntu_desktop-vga.img.gz|ct_lubuntu_desktop-vga.img.gz(20131018-build) - default VGA output]] ====Lubuntu Server==== * [[http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/a20-cubietruck/lubuntu/obsolete/ct_lubuntu_server_13.06_20131018/ct-lubuntu-server-hdmi.img.gz|ct-lubuntu-server-hdmi.img.gz(20131018-build) - default HDMI output]] * [[http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/a20-cubietruck/lubuntu/obsolete/ct_lubuntu_server_13.06_20131018/ct-lubuntu-server-vga.img.gz|ct-lubuntu-server-vga.img.gz(20131018-build) - default VGA output]] ===== Installation Guide ===== We take this [[http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/a20-cubietruck/lubuntu/obsolete/ct_lubuntu_desktop_12.10_20131018/ct_lubuntu_desktop-hdmi.img.gz|ct_lubuntu_desktop-hdmi.img.gz(20131018-build) - default HDMI output]] image as example. The following steps demonstrates on installing lubuntu desktop to sata drive. ==== Download Firmware ==== $wget http://dl.cubieboard.org/software/a20-cubietruck/lubuntu/ct_lubuntu_desktop_20131018/ct_lubuntu_desktop-hdmi.img.gz $gzip -d ct_lubuntu_desktop-hdmi.img.gz ==== Flash the Image to Nandflash ==== Refer to this [[http://docs.cubieboard.org/tutorials/ct1/installation/cb3_lubuntu-12.10-desktop_nand_installation_20130910-build|Installation Guide]] to flash the image to nand with livesuit. ==== Write rootfs to SATA drive ==== After flashing the image to nandflash, your board can run lubuntu desktop already, next we just copy the rootfs to sata drive's 1st partition - Start up lubuntu desktop system on nand - Plug in sata drive - Create a new partition for your sata drive - Copy rootfs to the 1st partition #dd if=/dev/nandd of=/dev/sda1 bs=1M #sync #reboot ===== See Also ===== {{tag>Cubieboard Cubietruck}}