====== Start ====== //__About this Article__// * **Author**: aaron --- aaron@cubietech.com --- 2014/10/08 10:52 * **Copyrights**: [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported]] * **Contributors**: [[http://cubieboard.org/|Cubieboard Community]] : ... ===== Abstract ===== **C**ubieboard2 Dual-Card Version which named Cb2-2card for short is also a open-source hardware and shares the same PCB with cubieboard2. It has all the features like cubieboard2 except the on-board 4GB NAND Flash. But Cubieboard2 Dual-Card Version has 2 TF card slots and it supports more flexible storage media configuration. This board has lower costs and very suit for geeks and hobbyists. {{:tutorials:cb2-2cards:205717m3apxxbv8k36aobx.png?600|}} ===== Hardware ===== ==== Expand Pin ==== {{:products:a10_cubieboard:a10_a20_cubieboard_expansion_ports.png}} ===== software ===== [[tutorials:cubieboard2_dual-card|Cubieez]] [[tutorials:cubieboard2_dual-card|Android]] === See Also === {{tag>Cubieboard Cubietruck}}