====== Minicom Download And Introduction ====== //__About this Article__// * **Author**: james --- james@cubietech.com --- 2013/10/23 13:22 * **Copyrights**: [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported]] * **Contributors**: [[http://cubieboard.org/|Cubieboard Community]] : ... ===== Download ===== $sudo apt-get install minicom ===== Setting ===== Open terminal: $sudo minicom Press CTRL + A and then you can see the Status Bar: {{:addons:build_net01_058.png}} Press Z into Minicom Command Summary ,and select configure Minicom(Press O): {{:addons:build_net01_059.png}} Select "Serial port setup" ,and setting like that: {{:addons:build_net01_060.png|}} Press enter and select "Save setup as dfl".After all,select "Exit" and Now you can press CTRL + A and press X to leave minicom {{tag>Cubieboard Cubietruck}}