sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
To install samba4-clients packages:
sudo apt-get install samba4-clients
To list my mybooklive share:
smbclient --list mybooklive
$sudo apt-get install fcitx fcitx-googlepinyin fcitx-frontend-all fcitx-frontend-gtk2 \ fcitx-frontend-gtk3 fcitx-frontend-qt4 fcitx-module-x11 fcitx-config-gtk fcitx-config-gtk2 \ fcitx-tools fcitx-ui-classic -y $sudo apt-get install im-config -y $sudo apt-get autoremove -y $im-config start
$sudo touch /usr/sbin/update-openoffice-dicts && sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/update-openoffice-dicts $sudo apt-get install myspell-st $sudo apt-get install openoffice* $sudo apt-get install libreoffice-writer libmsoffice-word-html-writer-perl