Table of Contents

How To Use Rdesktop To Display Windows Or Linux Desktop

About this Article

What is rdesktop


Where you can get the rdesktop

You can download the Stable versions from here.

Or use Linux command:

 $sudo apt-get update
 $sudo apt-get install rdesktop

Remote control Linux's desktop

 $sudo apt-get install xrdp

Module   :    sesman-Xvnc
username :    remote host username
password :    remote host password

Remote control windows' desktop

Note: This should work for both Windows 7 and Vista.

OK,now you can connect to the windows by rdesktop like this:


Common parameters of rdesktop

 $rdesktop -help
   -u: user name
   -d: domain
   -s: shell
   -c: working directory
   -p: password (- to prompt)
   -n: client hostname
   -k: keyboard layout on server (en-us, de, sv, etc.)
   -g: desktop geometry (WxH)
   -f: full-screen mode
   -b: force bitmap updates
   -L: local codepage
   -A: enable SeamlessRDP mode
   -B: use BackingStore of X-server (if available)
   -e: disable encryption (French TS)
   -E: disable encryption from client to server
   -m: do not send motion events
   -C: use private colour map
   -D: hide window manager decorations
   -K: keep window manager key bindings
   -S: caption button size (single application mode)
   -T: window title
   -N: enable numlock syncronization
   -X: embed into another window with a given id.
   -a: connection colour depth
   -z: enable rdp compression
   -x: RDP5 experience (m[odem 28.8], b[roadband], l[an] or hex nr.)
   -P: use persistent bitmap caching
   -r: enable specified device redirection (this flag can be repeated)
 $rdesktop -r sound:local -a 16 -g 800x600