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faq:faqs [2013/10/30 03:44]
admin add about cubietech
faq:faqs [2015/01/21 14:39] (current)
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 ====== FAQs ====== ====== FAQs ======
-===== About CubieTech ===== 
-Cubietech is a company located in ZhuHai China, It’s a small and new company. Cubieteam is a small team, consist of several young people who are very like embeded computer technology. Cubieteam plans to develop a series ​ of open source mimiPCs which are powerful but low costs. ​ 
 ===== General ===== ===== General =====
Line 16: Line 14:
 ^  RTC  |  No  |  No  |  Yes  | ^  RTC  |  No  |  No  |  Yes  |
 ^  Android ​ |  ICS 4.0.4  |  4.2.2 Jelly Bean  |  4.2.2 Jelly Bean  | ^  Android ​ |  ICS 4.0.4  |  4.2.2 Jelly Bean  |  4.2.2 Jelly Bean  |
 +   * What is the login and password in linux .
 +|  ^   ​lubuntu ​   ^  debian ​  ^ debian-zh^ ​  ​cubian ​ ^  arch  ^   ​CbOS ​ ^ 
 +^ login/​password| ​ linaro/​linaro|cubie/​cubieboar and root/​cubieboard|chird/​chird| cubie/cubie |root/​root|root/​tll| ​
 +Cubietech is a company located in ZhuHai China, It’s a small and new company. Cubieteam is a small team,    ​
 +**Fedora-lxde** :you should use the monitor (default output is HDMI)to set the password of root and set up the new user when first boot,reboot the system .
 +Password of root should be set by yourself in all distros.
 ===== About CubieBoard ===== ===== About CubieBoard =====
Line 58: Line 68:
 |   ^ COLOR  ^ MEANING ^   ​DESC ​   ^ |   ^ COLOR  ^ MEANING ^   ​DESC ​   ^
-^ 1 | blue   ​| ​heatbet ​| running ​  | +^ 1 | blue   ​| ​heartbeat ​| running ​  | 
-^ 2 | orange | cpu0    | cpu0 load | +^ 2 | orange | cpu0      | cpu0 load | 
-^ 3 | white  | cpu1    | cpu1 load | +^ 3 | white  | cpu1      | cpu1 load | 
-^ 4 | green  | mmc0    | mmc0 load |+^ 4 | green  | mmc0      | mmc0 load |
   TBD   TBD
Line 90: Line 100:
 ===== About Roadmap ===== ===== About Roadmap =====
   * 2013 Q3: Cubietruck(Cubieboard3)   * 2013 Q3: Cubietruck(Cubieboard3)
-  * 2013 Q4: Cubieboard4(8 cores, big.LITTLE architecture)+  * 2014 Q2: Cubieboard4(8 cores, big.LITTLE architecture) 
 ===== About Business ===== ===== About Business =====
 +===== A20 Version A/B ===== 
 +A20 Rev.A 
 +A20 Rev.B 
 +  * For Version A, android v1.00 image may not work, and cause the board unable to boot or enter FEL mode. So if you were unlucky to meet with such problem, please upgrade to android v1.01 as soon as possible. Linux image is okay for both version A and B. 
 +  * To upgrade to Android v1.01 on cubietruck(ver B chip) 
 +Way A: 
 +1. wait for RTC battery run out, maybe a couple of days 
 +2. Flash v1.01 or later firmware with livesuit 
 +Way B: 
 +1. Make short-circuited RTC battery on board with wire after poweroff 
 +2. Flash v1.01 or later firmware with livesuit 
 +Way C: 
 +1. Make a bootable sd card 
 +#wget http://​​software/​a20-cubietruck/​lubuntu/​ct-lubuntu-card0-v1.00/​u-boot-sunxi-with-spl-ct-20140107.bin 
 +#dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl-ct-20140107.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=1024 seek=8 
 +2. Insert sd card, power up 
 +We don't need it bootup, just clean some register value on PMU 
 +3. Remove sd card 
 +4. Flash v1.01 or later firmware with livesuit 
 ====== External Links ====== ====== External Links ======
   * http://​​Cubieboard/​FAQ   * http://​​Cubieboard/​FAQ
faq/faqs.1383075844.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/23 14:50 (external edit)