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products:start [2017/06/21 05:26]
admin [Software Support]
products:start [2017/06/21 05:36] (current)
admin [Cubietruck(Cubieboard3)]
Line 2: Line 2:
-===== Cubieboard4(CC-A80=====+===== CubieBoard6 ===== 
 +===== CubieBoard5/​CubieTruck Plus ===== 
 +===== CubieBoard4/​CC-A80 =====
 The new architecture Cubieboard based on Allwinner A80 .  The new architecture Cubieboard based on Allwinner A80 . 
Line 38: Line 45:
   * [[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Hardware/​CC-A80-J20-PIN.pdf|Expansion Ports Introduction]]   * [[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Hardware/​CC-A80-J20-PIN.pdf|Expansion Ports Introduction]]
-===== Cubietruck(Cubieboard3) ​=====+===== CubieBoard3/​CubieTruck ​=====
 While cubieboard1/​2 very suitable for student, software/​hardware hackers, cubietruck(cubieboard3) is suitable for us to make real product. While cubieboard1/​2 very suitable for student, software/​hardware hackers, cubietruck(cubieboard3) is suitable for us to make real product.
Line 114: Line 121:
 For more software information,​ please refer to here: For more software information,​ please refer to here:
 http://​​tutorials/​cb2 ​ http://​​tutorials/​cb2 ​
-===== Cubietruck(Cubieboard3) ===== 
-While cubieboard1/​2 very suitable for student, software/​hardware hackers, cubietruck(cubieboard3) is suitable for us to make real product. 
products/start.1497993969.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/21 05:26 by admin