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tutorials:cc-a80:start [2015/03/13 16:43]
tutorials:cc-a80:start [2016/10/14 16:49] (current)
allen [Abstract]
Line 10: Line 10:
 ===== Abstract ===== ===== Abstract =====
-Cubieboard4(CC-A80) [[|Awinner A80 ]]+Cubieboard4(CC-A80) [[​SOC/|Awinner A80 datasheet ​]]
-More source ,please visit ftp site [[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​|Cubieboard4]]+More source ,please visit ftp site [[http://​​model/​CubieBoard4/​|Cubieboard4]]
 {{:​products:​cubieboard4-cca80.jpg?​600|}} {{:​products:​cubieboard4-cca80.jpg?​600|}}
Line 69: Line 69:
 === Ubuntu Linaro Desktop === === Ubuntu Linaro Desktop ===
-[[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Image/​ubuntu-linaro/​ubuntu-linaro-v0.4/|Newest OS Version]]+[[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Image/​ubuntu-linaro/​ubuntu-linaro-v1.0/|Newest OS Version]]
 [[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Image/​ubuntu-linaro/​|History OS Version]] [[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Image/​ubuntu-linaro/​|History OS Version]]
Line 75: Line 75:
 === Ubuntu Linaro Server === === Ubuntu Linaro Server ===
-[[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Image/​ubuntu-linaro-server/​v1.0/|Newest OS version]]+[[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Image/​ubuntu-linaro-server/​v2.0/|Newest OS version]]
 === Debian Wheezy Server === === Debian Wheezy Server ===
-[[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Image/​debian-server/​|Newest OS Version]]+[[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Image/​debian-server/v1.0/|Newest OS Version]]
 ===== Community ===== ===== Community =====
Line 89: Line 89:
 === Linux Card SDK === === Linux Card SDK ===
-  * Building work space  
-  $ mkdir CC-A80-linux-sdk 
-  $ cd cc-a80-linux-sdk 
-  ​ 
-  * Getting Kernel Source ​ 
-  $ git clone https://​​cubieboard/​CC-A80-kernel-source 
-  $ mv CC-A80-kernel-source linux-3.4 (master branch) 
-  ​ 
-  ​ 
-  * Getting Products 
-  $ git clone https://​​cubieboard/​CC-A80-products 
-  $ mv CC-A80-products products ​ 
-  ​ 
-  * Getting tools  
-  $ git clone https://​​cubieboard/​CC-A80-tools 
-  $ mv CC-A80-tools tools  
-  ​ 
-  * Getting Binaries ​ 
-  $ git clone https://​​cubieboard/​CC-A80-binaries 
-  $ mv CC-A80-binaries binaries 
-  ​ 
-  * Getting Rootfs ​ 
-  $ git clone https://​​cubieboard/​CC-A80-rootfs.git 
-  $ mv CC-A80-rootfs rootfs ​ 
-  ​ 
-  This is a indexes to http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Source/​linux/​rootfs/​ 
-  You should download the rootfs from,​and move your need file to "​rootfs" ​ 
 +[[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Source/​linux/​README.txt|Getting code]]
 ==== Delevopments ==== ==== Delevopments ====
tutorials/cc-a80/start.1426236188.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/13 16:43 by aaron