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products:start [2015/02/10 17:23]
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admin [Cubietruck(Cubieboard3)]
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-====== ​Cubieboard ​Open-Source ​Main-Boards======+====== ​CubieBoard ​Open-Source ​Hardware======
-===== Cubieboard1 ===== 
- ​Cubieboard1 is a small (10x6cm), hacker friendly, extendable, very low-cost, and  powerful ARM board with Allwinner A10 SoC. It features a 1 GHz ARM Cortex A8 CPU, with 1GB of DDR3 RAM, a very powerful Video Encoding/​Decoding VPU, a Mali400 OpenGL ES GPU, and 96 expansion headers which can be used as GPIO, I2C, UART, LVDS, PWM, SPI, CSI, and so on.+===== CubieBoard6 =====
-{{:cubieboard.jpg?550|a10-cubieboard}}+===== CubieBoard5/​CubieTruck Plus ===== 
 +===== CubieBoard4/​CC-A80 ===== 
 +The new architecture Cubieboard based on Allwinner A80 .  
 ==== Hardware Specs ==== ==== Hardware Specs ====
 +  - SOC 
 +     - Allwinner A80 ,Octa-Core Big-Little A15/A7,28nm
 +     - CPU :ARM Cortex A15x4 up to 2.0GHz,A7x4 up to 1.3GHz
 +     - GPU : PowerVR 64-core G6230
 +  - Memory: 2GB ,64bit,dual channel,​1600MTPS
 +  - Storage : EMMC ,up to 64GB,​default 8GB ,write/read speed 25MB/​s ​
 +  - TF-Card : Micro SD Card 
 +  - USB : USB2.0 hostx4 ,USB3.0 OTGx1 
 +  - Display ​
 +     - HDMI Port A ,HDMI V1.4a 
 +     - VGA support 1080P resolution output ​
 +  - Ethernet: 10M/​100M/​1000M NIC
 +  - Wireless:  ​
 +      - WIFI :​2.4G/​5.8G,​dual band ,300Mbps with external antenna ​
 +      - BT : BT4.0+EDR ​
 +  - IR : IR receiver Philips standard ​
 +  - RTC : Support 1220 size rechargeable button cell 
 +  - Audio : Support 3.5 Headphone and Microphone
 +  - Power :
 +    - DCIN 5V@4A Power
 +    - Support USB 3.0 Jack Power
 +    - Support 3.7V Li-Po battery
 +  - Keys : Power Key ,Reset Key ,Reboot Key
 +  - Leds : Power Led x1 ,User Led x2
 +  - Expansion Pins : UART x3 ,I2C x3 ,JTAG ,5V and 3V Power  ​
-  ​- AllWinnerTech SOC A10,ARM® Cortex™-A8 ARM® Mali400 ​MP1 Complies with OpenGL ES 2.0/1.1 +==== Expansion Ports ==== 
-  - 1GB DDR3 @480MHz +  * [[http://​​model/​cc-a80/​Hardware/​CC-A80-J20-PIN.pdf|Expansion Ports Introduction]] 
-  - 4GB internal NAND flash, up to 32GB on SD slot, up to 2T on 2.5 SATA disk + 
-  - 5VDC input 2A or USB otg input +===== CubieBoard3/​CubieTruck ===== 
-  - 1x 10/100 ethernet, support usb wifi + 
-  - 2x USB 2.0 HOST, 1x mini USB 2.0 OTG1x micro sd +While cubieboard1/​2 very suitable for student, software/​hardware hackers, cubietruck(cubieboard3) is suitable for us to make real product. 
-  - 1x HDMI 1080P display output + 
-  - 1x IR, 1x line in, 1x line out +==== Software Support ​ ==== 
-  - 96 extend pin interface, ​including I2C, SPI, RGB/LVDSCSI/TSFM-INADCCVBSVGASPDIF-OUTR-TPand more + 
 +For more software support,​please visit [[http://​​tutorials/​cc-a80/​start|here]] 
 +Cubietruck is the 3rd board of Cubieteam, so we also name it Cubieboard3. It's a new PCB model adopted with Allwinner A20 main chip,just like Cubieboard2. But it is enhanced with some features, such as 2GB memory, VGA display interface on-board, 1000M nic, WIFI+BT on-board, support Li-battery and RTC,SPDIF audio interface. 
 +==== Hardware Specs ==== 
 +  ​- AllWinnerTech SOC A20 ARM® Cortex™-A7 Dual-Core ​ARM® Mali400 ​MP2 Complies with OpenGL ES 2.0/1.1 
 +  - 1GB/2GB DDR3@480MHz 
 +  - HDMI&​VGA 1080P display output ​on-board 
 +  - 10M/100M/1G Ethernet 
 +  - Wifi+BT wireless connection with antenna on-board 
 +  - SATA 2.0 interface support ​2.5’ HDD (for 3.5’ HDDonly need another 12V power input) 
 +  - Storage solution NAND+MicroSD or TSD+ MicroSD or 2*MicroSD 
 +  - 2 x USB HOST 1 x OTG 1 x SPDIF 1 x IR 4 x LEDs 1 Headphone 3 x Keys 
 +  - Power DC5V @ 2.5A with HDD support Li-battery & RTC 
 +  - 54 extended pins including ​I2S, I2C, SPI, CVBSLRADC x2,UARTPS2PWMx2TS/CSIIRDALINEIN&​FMINTVINx4 with 2.0 pitch connectors 
 +  - PCB size 11cm *8cm*1.4mm very suitable for installing a 2.5’ HDD 
 ==== Expansion Ports ==== ==== Expansion Ports ====
 +  * [[:​A20-Cubietruck GPIO Pin|Expansion Ports Introduction]]
-  * [[:​products:​a10_cubieboard:​expansion_ports|Expansion Ports Introduction]] 
-===== Cubieboard2 ​=====+===== CubieBoard2 ​=====
-After about half year of cubieboard1'​s ​borncubietech ​brought ​an another board, ​cubieboard2 ​to the cubie fans, which is totally compatible with cubieboard1. +After about half year of cubieboard1'​s ​releaseCubieTech ​brought another board, ​CubieBoard2 ​to the Cubie fans, which is totally compatible with CubieBoard1. It shares ​the same PCB with CubieBoard1, but with a Dual-Core ​CPU and a Dual-Core Mali400 ​GPU.
-It share the same PCB with cubieboard1, but with a dual core CPU and a dual core MALI400 ​GPU.+
 {{:​a20-cubieboard.png?​550|cubieboard2}} {{:​a20-cubieboard.png?​550|cubieboard2}}
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 For more software information,​ please refer to here: For more software information,​ please refer to here:
 http://​​tutorials/​cb2 ​ http://​​tutorials/​cb2 ​
-===== Cubietruck(Cubieboard3) ===== 
-While cubieboard1/​2 very suitable for student, software/​hardware hackers, cubietruck(cubieboard3) is suitable for us to make real product. 
-Cubietruck is the 3rd board of Cubieteam, so we also name it Cubieboard3. It's a new PCB model adopted with Allwinner A20 main chip,just like Cubieboard2. But it is enhanced with some features, such as 2GB memory, VGA display interface on-board, 1000M nic, WIFI+BT on-board, support Li-battery and RTC,SPDIF audio interface. 
 +===== CubieBoard1 =====
-==== Hardware Specs ====+CubieBoard1 is a small (10x6cm), hacker friendly, extendable, very low-cost, and  powerful ARM board with Allwinner A10 SoC. It features a 1 GHz ARM Cortex A8 CPU, with 1GB of DDR3 RAM, a very powerful Video Encoding/​Decoding VPU, a Mali400 OpenGL ES GPU, and 96 expansion pin headers which can be used as GPIO, I2C, UART, LVDS, PWM, SPI, CSI, and so on.
-  - AllWinnerTech SOC A20 ARM® Cortex™-A7 Dual-Core ARM® Mali400 MP2 Complies with OpenGL ES 2.0/1.1 
-  - 1GB/2GB DDR3@480MHz 
-  - HDMI&​VGA 1080P display output on-board 
-  - 10M/100M/1G Ethernet 
-  - Wifi+BT wireless connection with antenna on-board 
-  - SATA 2.0 interface support 2.5’ HDD (for 3.5’ HDD, only need another 12V power input) 
-  - Storage solution NAND+MicroSD or TSD+ MicroSD or 2*MicroSD 
-  - 2 x USB HOST 1 x OTG 1 x SPDIF 1 x IR 4 x LEDs 1 Headphone 3 x Keys 
-  - Power DC5V @ 2.5A with HDD support Li-battery & RTC 
-  - 54 extended pins including I2S, I2C, SPI, CVBS, LRADC x2,UART, PS2, PWMx2, TS/CSI, IRDA, LINEIN&​FMIN,​ TVINx4 with 2.0 pitch connectors 
-  - PCB size 11cm *8cm*1.4mm very suitable for installing a 2.5’ HDD  
-==== Expansion Ports ==== +{{:cubieboard.jpg?​550|a10-cubieboard}}
-  * [[:A20-Cubietruck GPIO Pin|Expansion Ports Introduction]]+
-===== Cubieboard4(CC-A80) ​===== +==== Hardware Specs ====
- +
 +  - AllWinnerTech SOC A10,ARM® Cortex™-A8 ARM® Mali400 MP1 Complies with OpenGL ES 2.0/1.1
 +  - 1GB DDR3 @480MHz
 +  - 4GB internal NAND flash, up to 32GB on SD slot, up to 2T on 2.5 SATA disk
 +  - 5VDC input 2A or USB otg input
 +  - 1x 10/100 ethernet, support usb wifi
 +  - 2x USB 2.0 HOST, 1x mini USB 2.0 OTG, 1x micro sd
 +  - 1x HDMI 1080P display output
 +  - 1x IR, 1x line in, 1x line out
 +  - 96 extend pin interface, including I2C, SPI, RGB/LVDS, CSI/TS, FM-IN, ADC, CVBS, VGA, SPDIF-OUT, R-TP, and more 
 +==== Expansion Ports ====
 +  * [[:​products:​a10_cubieboard:​expansion_ports|Expansion Ports Introduction]]
products/start.1423560236.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/10 17:23 by aaron