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tutorials:ct1:development:booting_from_usb_otg_port [2013/10/24 17:49]
tutorials:ct1:development:booting_from_usb_otg_port [2014/11/19 11:53] (current)
admin old revision restored (2013/10/26 00:46)
Line 11: Line 11:
 Here we provide a simple way to boot linux from USB OTG port. It's very useful when our system damaged somehow, and we can fix it if we could access to the storeage, e.g. nand, sata, or SD Card. Here we provide a simple way to boot linux from USB OTG port. It's very useful when our system damaged somehow, and we can fix it if we could access to the storeage, e.g. nand, sata, or SD Card.
 +===== Host Enviroment =====
 +Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64
 ===== Step-by-step ===== ===== Step-by-step =====
-==== Download ​Files ====+==== Download ​all we need ====
   $wget http://​​software/​a20-cubietruck/​common/​usbboot-fel.tar.gz   $wget http://​​software/​a20-cubietruck/​common/​usbboot-fel.tar.gz
   $tar -zxvf usbboot-fel.tar.gz   $tar -zxvf usbboot-fel.tar.gz
-  $cd usbboot-fel+
 to check the md5sum(optional) to check the md5sum(optional)
Line 40: Line 43:
 After entering FEL mode, we suggest you to plug in AC adapter if you have SATA drive on board, avoiding low current from USB. After entering FEL mode, we suggest you to plug in AC adapter if you have SATA drive on board, avoiding low current from USB.
 ==== Upload Images ==== ==== Upload Images ====
 +  $cd usbboot-fel
   $ ./usb-boot ./​u-boot-spl.bin ./​u-boot.bin ./uImage ./​script.bin ./​initramfs.img ​   $ ./usb-boot ./​u-boot-spl.bin ./​u-boot.bin ./uImage ./​script.bin ./​initramfs.img ​
   fel write 0x2000 ./​u-boot-spl.bin   fel write 0x2000 ./​u-boot-spl.bin
Line 58: Line 62:
    ​root/​root    ​root/​root
 +   ​*Change to VGA output
 +   $cd usbboot-fel/​
 +   $ ls
 +   ​ ​ bin2fex ​  ​fel ​      ​fex2bin ​ initramfs.img ​ pio         ​u-boot.bin ​     uImage
 +   ​bin ​             bootinfo ​ fel-gpio ​ fexc     ​nand-part ​     script.bin ​ u-boot-spl.bin ​ usb-boot
 +   ​./​bin2fex script.bin 1.fex
 +     ​fexc-bin:​ script.bin: version: 0.1.2
 +     ​fexc-bin:​ script.bin: size: 46472 (85 sections)
 +   vim 1.fex (here change the output type
 +   ​./​fex2bin 1.fex script.bin
 +====Replace fel/​usb-boot====
 +The fel/​usb-boot in this manual is X86_64bit version. If you want to use it under I386 or even arm platform, you need to compile the tools by yourself. fel/​usb-boot are part of sunxi-tools,​ and the latest source code can be found at http://​​linux-sunxi/​sunxi-tools.git.
 +  * Getting Source Code
 +  $git clone git://​​linux-sunxi/​sunxi-tools.git
 +  * Compiling
 +  $cd sunxi-tools
 +  $make
 +and then replace the tools with the one you built
 +  *Refer to http://​​hno/​miniroot
tutorials/ct1/development/booting_from_usb_otg_port.1382608162.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/23 14:50 (external edit)