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tutorials:ct1:development:booting_from_usb_otg_port [2013/10/26 00:36]
tutorials:ct1:development:booting_from_usb_otg_port [2014/11/19 11:53] (current)
admin old revision restored (2013/10/26 00:46)
Line 74: Line 74:
    vim 1.fex (here change the output type    vim 1.fex (here change the output type
    ​./​fex2bin 1.fex script.bin    ​./​fex2bin 1.fex script.bin
- + 
 +====Replace fel/​usb-boot==== 
 +The fel/​usb-boot in this manual is X86_64bit version. If you want to use it under I386 or even arm platform, you need to compile the tools by yourself. fel/​usb-boot are part of sunxi-tools,​ and the latest source code can be found at http://​​linux-sunxi/​sunxi-tools.git. 
 +  * Getting Source Code 
 +  $git clone git://​​linux-sunxi/​sunxi-tools.git 
 +  * Compiling 
 +  $cd sunxi-tools 
 +  $make 
 +and then replace the tools with the one you built 
 +  *Refer to http://​​hno/​miniroot
tutorials/ct1/development/booting_from_usb_otg_port.1382718987.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/23 14:50 (external edit)