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Dvk521 User Manual

About this Article

Document formatting convention

  • Commands on PC ubuntu terminal: preceding with '#'
  • Commands on SD card linaro terminal: preceding with '$'

Burning the Testing Image

  • A pre-configured image is provided for testing, follow the steps below to burn it into the SD card:
  • Default user: linaro,Default password: linaro,The root permission password: 123456

API and Drivers Source code

  • The API and Drivers source code of DVK521 can be found on
  • Also are accessible in the image:
    • /home/linaro/waveshare_demo/
  • Since driver compiling relies on the kernel, if you need to compile our source code, you should modify the related Makefile according to your own kernel path, then execute:
  • # make
  • For more info, please refer to the appendix of the document Drivers Porting and Configuration.

Serial Port Monitor

Install serial port monitor on ubuntu

Note: here we are talking about how to use serial port on ubuntu installed via wubi. As for using serial port on ubuntu on virtual machine, some wired problems may occur. For more info about installing ubuntu via wubi, please refer to the document <2. Development Environment Setup>.

Use the following command to check if USB0 or USB1 exists: # ls /dev/ttyUSB* /dev/ttyUSB0 Use the screen command to establish connection: #screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 You may want to install the screen command first in case it doesn't exist: #apt-get install screen If the Cubieboard has started up, press Enter key to enter command terminal, the default user should be root. In case nothing happens when pressing Enter, try to disconnect and reconnect the USB port on Cubieboard, execute the following command again: #screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 Press Enter until any info displayed on the serial port monitor. If you enter the command terminal via VAG or HDMI other than serial port, then the default user should be linaro, the default password should also be linaro.

Install serial port monitor on Window

The serial port driver is required for Window. DVK521 integrates the PL2303 USB-to-UART convertor. To install the serial port driver, double click the install package which can be found on DVD_DVK521_CN\相关软件\ pl2303_Win_Driver\ PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1.8.0.exe. When completed, connect the PL2303 to PC through a USB cable, the PC will try to detect device. To ensure the detection succeeds, please close the anti-virus software or other computer protection software. When the device is detected successfully, install the serial port monitor DVD_DVK521_CN\相关软件\ultra-serial-port-monitor.exe.

Serial Port Monitor

Serial Port Monitor

See Also

tutorials/dvk521/documentations/dvk521_user_manual.1385006460.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/23 14:50 (external edit)