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We may want to install lubuntu desktop/server to SD card, here is a guide for you. This guide is for Linux platform only.
* Any Linux environment, we want sfdisk, dd, wget commands * An SD Card(at least 2GB)
* u-boot $wget * bootfs (partition 1) $wget * rootfs (partition 2) $wget
$gzip -d bootfs-part1.img.gz $gzip -d rootfs-part2.img.gz
sudo sfdisk --force --in-order -uS /dev/sdX <<EOF 2048,24576,L ,,L EOF /dev/sdX is the block device of your SD Card
sudo dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl-ct-20131102.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=1024 seek=8 sudo dd if=bootfs-part1.img of=/dev/sdX1 bs=1M sudo dd if=rootfs-part2.img of=/dev/sdX2 bs=1M sync
* This guide is suitable for the ct-lubuntu-card0-v1.00 desktop/server images